Terms and conditions, Mode of payment, Login and account creation

The following are the terms and conditions for use of the Services

  • You must register for an account to access and use the Services by providing your full legal name, current address, phone number, a valid email address and certain other information indicated as required. You agree that all such information is current and accurate. We will use the email address that you provide as the primary method of communication, including for billing matters. We may reject your application for an Account for any reason, in our sole discretion.
  • Responsibility:

    We may suspend the Purchased Services to You with or without notice and without liability if: (a) We reasonably believe that you are using the services in violation of the Agreement; (b) You don’t cooperate with our reasonable investigation of any suspected violation of the Agreement; (c) there is an attack on our sites or manipulated by a third party, (d) We are required by law, or a regulatory or government body, to suspend Your Services; or (e) there is another event for which We reasonably believe that the suspension of Services is necessary to protect Our other customers. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to give you advance notice of any such suspension unless we determine that a suspension on shorter notice or without notice is necessary to protect us or our other customers from imminent risk.

  • Content & ownership/ Intellectual Property:

    Our Services allow you and your End Users to upload, post, transmit, publish, share, store, or manage content, including, data, graphics, links, photos, and other materials. You are solely responsible for any and all of your Content. You represent and warrant that (i) You have all necessary rights to distribute your Content via our Services and (ii) Your Content does not violate the rights of any third party. You hereby grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to host and use your content in order to provide the Services to You. You are responsible for undertaking necessary measures to ensure the security, confidentiality and integrity of all your content transmitted on our servers. You are responsible for any of your Content that may be lost or unrecoverable through your use of the Services.

    Consent letter:

    : For printing letter heads, or making stamps, the franchisee should provide the consent letter obtained from the customer. We are not responsible for any misuse of any printed product delivered to a franchisee or a customer.

Mode of Payment:

: No cash transaction is allowed for purchase. You can make payment either net banking or through payment gate way provided in the website.

Login and Account creation:

It is necessary to create a user profile for accessing the website. User profile can be created in two ways.

  • User account for Franchisee.

    The main purpose of the website is to link a franchisee with our company. Franchisee account can be created by any business owners, or an entrepreneur. The account will be approved by the company after singing the franchise agreement. Franchisee will be benefited by getting discount for every product as decided by the company as per the agreement. The franchisee can resell the product as per the market rate/ a rate decided by them. The franchisee can use the website as accounting software and for inventory management. The billing software in the webpage can be used free of cost. The registration will be lifelong and no need to pay the registration fee every year. But for continuing the service offered by the company, franchisee should renew there registration every year.

There are two type of franchisee registration is possible for a business owner.

  • Uniknot Silver Franchisee: Registration

    One time (lifelong). For registration a franchisee should pay franchisee fee as decided by the company. Franchisee fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.

  • Renewal

    Yearly (0.02% of the franchisee fee will be charged for yearly renewal) Service – Franchisee can avail all services provided by uniknot as per the franchisee rate. When new products are introduced by company, the franchisee can make use these products also.


    company will provide selected samples for exhibiting in there office. For getting full sample kit, they have to pay the production cost.


    A franchisee can order there product on credit basis also. But the limit and time period for the credit will be decided by the company. If a franchisee exceeds their credit limit, their service will be blocked. They can re-use the website after completing the dues. If a franchisee exceeds the credit time periods, then company will proceeds legally for recovering the dues. If the franchisee is regular in their payments, then company will give incentives depending on their performance.

    Use of templates

    Franchisee can make use the design templates provided in the website. In addition to this franchisee can upload their own design for printing. The use of templets are absolutely free.

    Delivery charge

    A franchisee will have to pay the original delivery charge for their products.

    GST and payment

    For all purchase from the company, GST is mandatory. All payments made by the franchisee should be online. No cash transaction is allowed.

  • Uniknot Golden Franchisee:

In addition to the above condition, a golden franchisee will get the following benefits.

  • A golden franchisee can select three pin codes as per their choice. The company will not give other franchisees in these pin cods.
  • A golden franchisee can appoint other distributers in their area.
  • Company will consider golden franchisee as our main distributor in this area.
  • For any direct or indirect business from these pin code, company will pay a margin to golden franchisee.
  • The credit limit and credit time for golden franchisee will be decided only after discussion.
  • User account for others.

    Company will give user account for institutions and common public also. There is no registration charge for these accounts. But the rate of the products will be the normal market rate. However offers and other discounts given by the company can be available for these accounts.








